Currently to access and manage xenserver cluster you need a xencenter installed in a windows system.
This could be a limitation for the users of linux and mac
Meanwhile you can access vmware exsi servers and also manage the clusters of vcenter via http
To overcome this limitation you can use the XCP hypervisor
XCP is open source hypervisor based on XenServer.
- Download the XCP-ng
- Install the xcp-center for windows systems to access the XCP hypervisors
- To manage the xenservers from Web-UI you need download the xen orchestra
login and create an account to download the xva file (xenserver based virtual appliance)!/xo-home
Once XVA file you can import it xencenter as a appliance
For web login
https:// xva appliance ip
Default user is with admin as a password.
If you want to connect to the appliance via SSH or console, the default credentials are: • user: xoa • password: xoa
To set a password for the appliance
Now all this is fine but you still need a xcp-center and windows system to access it via http
Convert the XVA image into OVA image.